The Youth Academy is a developmental program, designed to improve foot skills, tactical and technical game skills, shooting, passing, and dribbling. The Academy is designed for
7u-10u soccer players.
The Academy uses a combination of skills sessions and small-sided games to teach the players the skills needed to move on to competitive programs. Our philosophy is simple, develop soccer players using fun and exciting drills, skills sessions, and games.
Questions: Contact Kacy Charlton
Season Length : Early September - Early November
Training Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Number of Games: 8-10 games - Saturdays
NCYSA YA Fall Showcase: Early November
Season Length: Mid February - Early May
Training Days: Mondays and Wednesdays
Number of Games 8-10 games - Saturdays
NCYSA YA Spring Showcase: Early May
Winter Indoor Futsal: Late Nov - Early Feb
Hine Soccer Park
5895 Bethabara Park Blvd, Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Our coaching staff will assess all players in attendace with the assistance of the Directors of Coaching. Assessments for all current players and players outside the club will take place during certain times of the year.
2025 Youth Academy Assessments:
Ages: 7u - 10u - 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016
Dates: Tuesday, April 29th and Thursday, May 1st
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm
Location: Hine Park
Our philosophy is that we want all kids who have the ability to play regardless of their ability to pay. We keep our fees as low as possible, and in fact they are some of the lowest in the state for a full service club. Depending on the age of the player, the family will save between $700 and $1,700 playing for our club vs. the big clubs in the area. We are proud of that!
Description of Fees
An Acceptance Fee Payment is a non-refundable payment due at the time of initial team registration. The Acceptance Fee is $140 and is part of the annual Club Fee and not an additional fee due to the club. This payment will act as your team acceptance for the year securing your spot with the team in which you have been selected. Your spot is not guaranteed until the full Acceptance Fee amount is received by the Club.
Youth Academy Fees Include, but NOT limited to:
– League Fees
– Insurance Costs
– NCYSA Player Registration Fees
– Club Administrative costs
– Coaching Salaries
– Goalkeeper Training
– Preseason Training
– Referee Fees
– Field and Facility Maintenance
– Other Club expenditures, as needed
Annual Club Dues DO NOT INCLUDE:
– Uniform Cost or any other team gear
– Team Tournament fees
– Personal Travel Expenses
– Any additional fees associated with participating in leagues other than NCYSA (ie. National League Piedmont Conference)
Annual Club Dues may be paid in full or by monthly payment plan starting in August.
– Monthly payments are due on the 1st of each month/or no later than the 15th of each month
– Other payment arrangements can be made with approval by the club
(Contact: Chris Zendgraft at
$800 |
Payment in Full |
6-8 Month Payment Plan |
Licensed Coach |
NC Rush Triad Soccer Club has partnered with Capelli Sports to be the provider of all NC Rush Triad uniforms for the upcoming season. Rush Soccer requires all players to purchase uniforms every two years. This fall (2023) is the first year of the uniform cycle. All players will receive a specific uniform ordering email.
The email will come from “TeamShop Do Not Reply”(see below). The email link will have your player’s name and uniform number pre-populated (families will be contacted directly by email with ordering instructions after team acceptance).
Required Youth Academy Uniform:
Estimate Costs = $62.00 (NOT including shipping)
North Carolina Rush Triad
1624 S Hawthorne Rd,
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
“Where the Trails of Passion and Purpose Meet, Begins the Path to Victory"
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 10:00a - 2:00p
Saturday & Sunday: Closed